======================================================================= Title : Respawn (v1.0) Date Finished : 3 - 17 - 1997 Author : Patrick Martin Email Address : cmarti39@icon.net Misc. Author Info : I like Doom][ and QUAKE. Description: This mod brings the respawn mode found in the Nightmare skill in Doom back to Quake (sort of). If you choose to play Quake on Nightmare with this mod, you are in for a brutal treat! When you kill a monster, and that monster does not explode into gibs, it will get back up 10-90 seconds later and hunt you down. A new progs.src is included. qc files included are: * demon.qc * dog.qc * enforcer.qc * fish.qc * hknight.qc * knight.qc * orge.qc * respawn.qc * shalrath.qc * shambler.qc * soldier.qc * wizard.qc How to Use: * If you don't have a QuakeC compiler, get one now! QC106PAC.ZIP is a great QuakeC package. * Create a subdirectory called RESPAWN inside the QUAKE directory. * Create a PROGS subdirectory inside inside the RESPAWN directory. * Place all the qc and src files and the compiler in the PROGS subdirectory. Overwrite any original files with the new files in this zip. * Compile a new progs.dat. * Change to the QUAKE directory and type 'Quake -game respawn'. ====================================================================== Version History v1.0: * First release. ====================================================================== Additional Credits to : ID for creating Doom, Doom][, and Quake Rob Albin for the QC106PAC.ZIP Olivier Montanuy and Ferrara Francesco for the QuakeC manual. Mom and Dad for plenty of good stuff. and God! ======================================================================= Type of Mod ----------------- Quake C : yes Sound : no MDL : no Format of Quake C ----------------------- unified diff : no context diff : no .qc files : yes progs.dat : no (you compile one yourself) * Construction * Base : New code added to some standard qc files. Build Time : Two days. Hardware used : Pentium-100 with 16MB RAM and Quake v1.06. Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this mod, provided you include this text unaltered. If you want to place this mod on any medium such as (but NOT limited to) a disk or CD for commerical distribution, please contact me first. * Disclaimer * The author of this mod is NOT responsible for any damage caused by the use of this mod! If your computer malfunctions, you are on your own. To put it another way, use this mod at your own risk. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com Other: Contact me and I'll email it to you.